A slice of life story set in a dystopian future, a future of corporations and corruption. A future where the fantastical has returned to the world, bringing with it the fantasy races of old: Elves, Dwarves, Trolls, Orcs, Faeries and Dragons. Where magic is real and the stuff of nightmares is always hiding just out of sight. Step with us twenty minutes into the future and see where it leads...
We are using Shadowrun 4th ed for setting information and Genesys for the rules.
If you would like to send us a voice message you can do so here:
Storyteller: Ghost
Terry the Mage: Becca
Cipher the Decker: raveninsane
Wren the Thief: Emily
Mala the Banshee: Sarah
We are using Shadowrun 4th ed for setting information and Genesys for the rules.
If you would like to send us a voice message you can do so here:
Storyteller: Ghost
Terry the Mage: Becca
Cipher the Decker: raveninsane
Wren the Thief: Emily
Mala the Banshee: Sarah
Podcasts discussing Shadowrun.
Shadowrun: Spotify Playlist
All stories have a beginning.
All stories have a beginning.
Miniature from: Ouroboros Miniatures Very little is known about Mr Book. An underworld enforcer and major LT for one of the syndicates. Rumors persist that his boss is a dragon. Has come into contact with the party on a couple of occasions and left them feeling somewhat out of their depth and knowing that the world of Shadowrun is a dangerous place to try and make a living. |